Basic definition of workflow is structured into 4 parts.

  1. tasks
  2. default_inputs
  3. flow_name
  4. run_name
  "tasks": [
  "default_inputs": {},
  "flow_name": "string",
  "run_name": "string"
  1. Tasks

Tasks is the nodal points of the workflow which can consist of either a lyzr agent call, api or a custom function call.

General structure of the task is as follows.

name - is unique name that can be given to the node

tag - is informal name given to the node

function - is the name of the custom function or the prebuilt function in the LAO

params - are the parameters supplied to the node or the function.

params can either take

  1. direct input in the form { “<variable>”: “<value>”}
  2. input that depends on other method { “<variable>” : { “depends” : “<function_name>”}
  3. input that depends on default_inputs which is a flat key store { “<variable>” : { “input”: “<default_input_key_name>” }
    "name": "",
    "tag": "",
    "function": "",
    "params": {
        "<variable>": {"input": "<variable>"},